Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Mrs. M Healed! Came in Hunched over and left standing straight

An older woman, Mrs. M came through the line. She was hunched over with an almost perfect 90 degree angle. One of our volunteers asked her what was going on. Mrs. M said her back was hurting so bad and her nerve was making her have so much pain that she couldn't stand up straight. The volunteer had Mrs. M sit down and asked if she could pray for her. The Woman said yes.  The volunteer prayed healing over the lady and then asked her from zero to 10, zero being no pain, where was her pain level at. Mrs. M stood up and said I have no pain any more. The Volunteer repeated herself thinking really really, is she serious? "0 - 10 where is your pain" Mrs. M said 0! She then answered, "See I am standing straight." Mrs. M was standing straighter than before she walked into the prayer tent.   Mrs. M was in shock at what just happened, asked about church service, then walked away mumbling about coming in hunched over and leaving different.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Healing Stories

We have been seeing miracle after miracle of people getting healed in all areas: physically, spiritually and emotionally.

One lady who comes regularly came up to me after just being in the prayer tent.  She had tears in her eyes and a shock in her voice, "They prayed for me and I felt heat. I felt the heat on my shoulder and my shoulder does not hurt any more.  And my leg, MY LEG! I can move it." She was so touched by the presents of God and his healing touch that it rocked her world.

A man also came up to one of our volunteers "Last week you prayed for my mom who had cancer all over her body.  She went into see the doctor this week and they said 3 out of 5 were disappearing. That has never happened before to her." 

Another man was being prayed for about his migraine.  Our volunteer was barely touching the man and praying. He then said "Are you pushing on me?" No the volunteer replyed I am barely touching you."  He said "It feels like someone is pushing on me and I feel heat on my head and the migraine is gone." The volunteer answered "It wasn't me but Jesus healing you."

So many people are coming back to us saying the prayers we have prayed have been answered. It has been an awesome testimony to all of us of God's goodness and love for people.

Glory to God!

Monday, October 7, 2013

One leg shorter than the other: NOW HEALED IN JESUS NAME

It is always amazing and exciting to see Jesus healing today 2000 years after He rose again.  Here is an account from one of our volunteers that was in the prayer tent at the Grocery Give Away last Friday.

A gentleman walked up to the prayer tent with a really bad limp and just from experiences anytime someone with a limp means one leg is shorter than the other. So I had him sit down and had him lift up his legs and sure enough his left leg was about 3 1/2 inches shorter than his right. I pointed it out to him and explained that I've seen many people with this issue and have prayed for God to heal them and He has and I asked if he believes that God can do the same with him. His response "let's do it" As I began praying and declaring the bones, muscles, to go back to its original design I could hear, feel, and see the leg growing back. At the end of the prayer I lifted up his legs and they were both even with each other and showed it the man. He couldn't believe it as kept saying "your magical! Your magical!" I explained that it's not me but Jesus through me that gives me power to heal. He walked away with no limp and told me he felt no pain!


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Friday Night Stories: Hitting the Streets

In September we started meeting at 11pm on Friday Nights (we have now changed it to 10pm). We meet up, make goodie bags and then hit the streets looking for any and everyone we can find.

We have women and men's goodie bags.  We put in mini travel size shampoo, conditioner, body wash, toothpaste, make-up, candy, and snacks.

Then we walk up and down the worst streets in Stockton looking for anyone that is out that time of night.

Last Friday was amazing.  Three women allowed us to pray for them.  The first one being Ms. T.  She was a prostitute
on the look out for business when I asked if she wanted a goodie bag. She said yes then asked if she could get another one for a friend.  I said that would be fine as I brought her a second one I asked if she wanted prayer.  She asked if I would pray for her to get off the streets. It was dangerous and she didn't to be doing it any more. She also asked prayer to get off of drugs and to get her kids back.  She allowed me to pray for a few short minutes then she was off finding more business.  It was heart breaking but at the same time you know you left hope with a little bit of hope.

Another lady was sitting on her porch and was so elated that we gave her a gift that she told a random stranger about what we were doing.  The stranger (lady) ran after us. Then she turned around and asked us to prayer for her and her children to be closer to God.

The last lady I knew from the Grocery Give Away.  I thought I recognized her but it was so dark that I didn't want to call her name and for it not to be her.  She yelled out my name.  We met and hugged.  Then she proceeded to tell me she was running away from a man that wanted to harm her.  We got her a goodie bag. Then I felt led to ask if she wanted me to pray for her protection.  She allowed me to. I started to pray for protection then God started to show me how he could Hide her and cover her. So I started praying that God would do that and if the man drove by he would be blinded by God and not able to see her.  When I got done the first thing she said was "I felt that"  I told her that was God that she felt.

It was an electric night and makes us that much more excited for the night Friday we hit the streets in search for people!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Migraines and Insomina be gone in Jesus name.

On Friday's we have a prayer tent as the last stop before people walk off our property.  We start by picking people from the beginning of the line, then walk them through the food filling their carts and bags with goodies and last we ask if they want prayer.  Probably 80-90 percent say yes.

There were two ladies that said yes to prayer. 
Here is the account of one of our volunteers that prayed for the ladies:
"I met two girls one of them had severe migraines almost everyday for about 10 years and the other had been struggling with insomnia and had not had real rest So I prayed with them and they went on their way
I saw the two of them a week later the first lady has not had a migraine since last week and the other has been sleeping like a baby!!!
God is on the move and still healing today!!!! Yay God!!!!!!"

It truly is so exciting to see God work in the lives of those we get to be hands on with on a weekly basis.



Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saved by God!: Mr. J

Thursday night a couple of us have been going to a pray meeting to pray for the city of Stockton.  In the meeting God spoke to me and said the enemy has been using different tactics each week to see what will shut down the Friday Free Grocery give away.  My first thought was "Oh no what will he try tomorrow"

Friday comes and there was a gentleman sitting by our 600-700lb gate that opens up to our parking lot where we have the give away at.  The gate is on two tracks one upper and one on the ground.  The gate came off the both tracks and fell on the man.  As soon as it did the Lord reminded me what He had said the night before about the enemy trying to shut us down.

A group of people got the gate off of him. I went over and found that Mr. J only speaks spanish. I asked one of our volunteers to inturpret for me.  "Where does he hurt" Mr. J said his back. So I prayed for his back. "Where else does he hurt." He said his head. I prayed for his head.  The paramedics came.  I ran into the warehouse and called the first to people that came to my mind.  Then I went to my knees and asked God what to do. God said "Everything is going to be fine and go out there you are needed" I felt peace that surpassed all understanding for the rest of the day.  I went back out and asked our volunteer to pray for his wife in spanish as she was led and I would pray in english.

Our volunteer said she felt she needed to go with them to the hospital.  She went and text us through out the day giving us updates.  By 3 Mr. J was out of the hospital and the x-rays showed there was no damage done. The doctors gave him medicine to help with the pain.

That night as I was praying about what had happened the Lord told me "If it had not been for me (God) and my angels taking the impact he could have died."

Joel looked at the gate that had fallen and there is no way it should have.  It was the enemy and the enemy alone that did this.

Mr. J. is still in pain but he also had a work related accident that hurt his back and neck prior to the gate falling on him.  We are praying that God will restore him to be better than he was before.

God is truly gracious.  He doesn't allow anything for our demise and He will get the glory out of this situation.  Mr. J and his wife came back on Friday and thanked us for our prayers. They were telling us they believe if it had not been for our prayers Mr. J would have been injured badly and not just walk away with pain.    Mr. J wants to start coming to bible study and receive more prayer.


In need of the little things in life: Ms. S

Over the last 3 months we have only put out food on Friday's for our Free Grocery Give Aways.  At the beginning of the month we received a donation of razors and tampons.  Having never before put out such items you always wonder "Will this item go over well with the people" "Will they like it"  Last week we put out razors and story after story came in saying people were so thrilled and relieved to have razors provided for them. This week we put out tampons.  Both items, razors and tampons, can be expensive for people who are just trying to make ends meet. It can mean the difference between buying food or buying those items.

Ms. S came up to one of our volunteers before she was escorted around by a tour guide. "I am in need of pads do you guys have any in the warehouse." The volunteer answered "We are giving away tampons today is that okay" she started crying and said "I had no money for them. Last week I needed a razor and prayed and you had razors last week. This week I needed tampons and God provided"

God cares about the smallest details of our lives.No prayer is too big or small for God to care about it.  Take it to Jesus and lay it at His feet, whatever it is!